Samstag, 19. September 2015

Drama Driangle - Tag 611

Yesterday i have found a video on youtube that i found very useful in showing me which dynamics i participate and that play out on a daily basis in my world/reality and my relationships with other people. The Video is a about the „Drama-Triangle“ of Steve Karpman, which is basically a theory about human behaviour and relationship-dynamics between three major characters or roles we tend to take on in our behavior and expressions – the Victim-Character/Position, the Saviour-Character/Position and the Perpetrator-Character/Position. The Characters/Positions change and shift over time and a Savior can be/become a Perpetrator or a Victim in the same or a different relationship.

So – what purpose do those Characters/Positions have in this apparent triangle? What is created between this Characters is a movement through charging and discharging the characters/positions.

The Saviour wants to „help/support“ the victim and is in opposition to the perpetrator.

The Perpetrator wants to or apparently do „abuse“ the ictim and is in opposition to the saviour.

The Victim can apparently not do anything on its own and subject to the „forces“ of saviour in either being helped/supported or the perpetrator in apparently being abused in some way.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to create Drama in my world and reality.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in Drama in my world and reality that is created and shown by characters of and as energy that charge and discharge themselves autmatically within me and those around me.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to become identified with the Drama within my world and reality and in this become infected with the illusion that i can not stand, see and move/direct myself within it all with clarity as what is best for all.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to like the Drama in myself and my world and reality and get addicted to it as a form of entertainment and apparently free energy-ride of what is happening.

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to step out of the drama of and as the mind of reactions of energy and live here as breath in the physical.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to blame the other actors and actresses for apparently pulling me in and drawing me into their drama through coming at me with their energies, emotions, words, behaviour and so forth – instead of realizing that it is my responsibility to re-act in unawareness or act in awareness and stop/change myself and not allow myself to participate on my re-actions of/as energy where i take part and become part of the Drama.

When and as i see that i create Drama within my mind and/or my world – i stop and breathe – i realize that the drama is firstly created within the mind, where i accept and allow myself to step into and participate in scripted roles that form part of the bigger part of human interaction – i see, realize and understand that those roles/characters are fueled/driven by emotions and specific thoughts and that i am able to stop and step out of those roles by no longer participating in the energies and thoughts that fuel them. Thus,

When and as i see any of those roles/characters (victim, rescuer, perpetrator) come up within me – i stop participating in the energy and the backchat/thoughts that fuel them – in that i stop playing my role in the drama and preventing further drama to be created.

I see, realize and understand that i am a creator and projector of drama if i accept and allow myself to participate in it.

I commit myself to resolve and stop the inner drama within me – so that i can stand, move and direct myself within all the external drama with clarity as what is best for all.

I see, realize and understand that i am able to disconnect myself from external drama through stopping the energy within and as me.

When and as i see myself being/becoming the Victim-Character, where i feel that everyone is always against me and/or something is done unto me and i cant do anything on my own – i stop and breathe – i see, realize and understand that this character is simply not real – thus i stop and step out of it in one breath – in that moment i commit to myself to find out who i am without this victim-character, and move myself beyond it.

When and as i see that i am participating in emotions of the Victim-Character like Self-Pitty, Sadness, Helplessness/Powerlessness, feeling stuck, complaint, unfairness and depression – i stop and breathe – i realize these are ways i try to manipulate myself within myself and so as i am creating this manipulation – i am as well able to decide to stop it, uncreate it and change myself, which is what i decide to do in that very moment.

I see, realize and understand that i am not truly a victim, i am creating my own victimisation – thus i am able to stop victimizing myself and create only that which supports myself and others as well.

I see, realize and understand that victimizing myself and participating in/as the victim-character does not make me good nor innocent – weather i realize it or not, i am response-able and thus not innocent.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be/become the Victim-Character/Position, where i always feel that everyone/everything is against me and something is done unto me, that i can´t do anything on my own and that i need assistance and support from others all the time, that i am stuck and cant move or change and that someone/something else is to blame for my situation.

I forgive myself as the Victim-Character, that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in emotions like Self-Pitty, Sadness, Helplessness/Powerlessness, feeling stuck, complaint, unfairness and depression to manipulate myself and my environment to make me believe that my believes about me being a victim and unable to change are real and valid, and to then take a particular stance in relation to me, as either „wanting to help/save/rescue me“ or „attack/diminish/abuse/lessen“ me within them selves and their behavior – so that i can be validated and reaffirmed within my Victimization.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that my believes about me being a victim are true – and thus i am to pitty.

I forgive myself as the victim-character that i have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that i am good and innocent because apparently i am the victim and others are doing something to me and thus they are bad.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to create myself as a victim to make myself and others see me as good and innocent.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that i am always less than, subject to and at the mercy of my enviroment, circumstances and/or other people.

I forgive myself as the Victim-Character/Position that i have accepted and allowed myself to look out for and desire/want a „Savior“ to help/support me with what i think i cant do or/and take responsibility for – and in this i forgive myself for hoping, waiting for and being drawn to anyone who i believe can help/save/rescue me and for the help/support of others – instead of getting up and supporting myself.

I forgive myself that i as the Victim-character/position have accepted and allowed myself to blame and point out the apparent perpetrator-character/position as doing something unto me, for using and abusing me – when in fact i have accepeted and allowed myself to separate me from myself into/as a Character/Position of Victimization which i will face – according to the principle of what i accept and allow is what i become.

I forgive myself as the victim-character, that i have accepted and allowed myself to validate the believe of the saviour-character that it is there to save and rescue me, through the reactions and emotional experiances that i create within myself, validating my victim-position.

I forgive myself as the victim-character for accepting and allowing myself to support and confirm the believe of the perpetrator-character that it is there and actually able to harm/hurt/abuse me in some way through reacting to the Perpetrator-Character and and its words, behaviours and expressions in a way that confirms its believe, for example in blaming or going into inferiority and defence.

I forgive myself as the Saviour-Character that i have accepted and allowed myselt to think and believe that i have to save and rescue people from others, circumstance or themselves, where i think and blieve that i have to always be there for others first and protect and save them from what ever bad/negative they may face or experiance – wherein i forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand taht i can not save/rescue another but am actually taking away an opportunity for them to realize themselves through learning from consequence.

I forgive myself as the Saviour-Character that i want to always help and support others first, so that i am/will be liked by them and valued by them, so that i can see myself as a good person.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that i have to sort out other peoples conflicts and solve their problems – instead of realizing that what happens there is that i am suppressing my own problems and conflicts within me and so neglecting myself.

I forgive myself as the Saviour-Character that i have accepted and allowed myself to always want to jump in for others, do more than others and in this be overbearing seeing myself as someone that is doing much and more than others.

I forgive myself as the Saviour-Character that i have accepted and allowed myself to feel good about myself for assisting and supporting others i see inferior or less than in some regard and in that generating that energetic experieance of feeling good and superior, not realizing that in fact i am leaching off those i see as weaker, less, inferior energetically.

I forgive myself as the Saviour-Character, that i have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that there exists in fact a relationship of Jugement towards the „Victim-Character“/the people i am trying to save/rescue/help and within that i forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that those people i am apparently trying to save/rescue/help, represent points of Self-Judgement within myself that i have suppressed, lo(o)cked away or in some way managed to not deal with effectively within me.

So in this, i as the Saviour, forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that those people i am trying to save/rescue/help represent PARTS and aspects of me – so i essentially am trying to save MySelf – and that i should first of all investigate, free and resolve those parts/aspects of ME within me so that i can assist and support myself and others through standing and living as a leading example of how to stand up and walk out of/through a victimized position.

I forgive myself as the Saviour, that i have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that within trying to help/save/rescue others first, i am holding myself in my self-separation, split and lost in a way cause within „helping/saving/rescuing“ others i have forgotten about me.

I forgive myself as the Saviour, that i have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize, that in trying to help/save/rescue others i am in fact participating in Separation and Inequality, where i within myself make myself believe and feel that i am more and more capable than others thus i must save/rescue/help them – which is only confirming my believe about myself – not seeing, realizing or understanding that this relationship of separation/inequality towards others, is in fact a projection of my own internal separation/split and inequality within my Self.

I as the Saviour forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed to worry and fear about the people i apparently care for.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that i know best what is/would be best for other people and that they should do what i say, where i can become quite nasty and blameful when they dont.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in/as the role of the perpetrator.

I forgive myself that i as the perpetrator have accepted and allowed myself to gain energy through participating in a believe that i am more than and superior to other people/the victim and that i can abuse them or use power/force over them to make them feel bad/wrong.

I forgive myself that i as the perpetrator have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that i am justified and completely right within what i am doing as it gives me a sense of „standing up for myself“ - not taking shit.

I forgive myself that i as the perpetrator have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the victim is in fact me in another life/position and that i am in using/abusing another in thought/word/deed abusing myself equal and one.

I forgive myself that i as the perpetrator have accepted and allowed myself to like and desire to feel power and superiority over others and being feared – not seeing, realizing or understanding that it is an illusion taht i create in my own head.

I forgive myself that i as the perpetrator have accepted and allowed myself to generate a emotional energy of hate/hatred towards myself as the Victim and through this justify my actions and words towards the person.

I forgive myself as life that i have accepted and allowed myself to separate me from myself into the Characters of Victim, Rescuer/Savior and Perpetrator, creating polarities and energetic relationship-dynamics where i basically run away from myself and chase myself around at the same time.

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realize myself in all of those characters and forgive myself equal and one – when and as i see myself going into either one of them – i breathe and live/express myself in common sense as what is best for all which requires no energy.

When and as i see that i am participating in/as the victim-character, where i feel always less than, subject to and at the mercy of others, my environment or circumstance and look out for, hope and wait for something/someone to rescue me – i stop and breathe – i realize that this character is a self-created manipulation – i step out of the character, breathe here and live/express with my environment in equality and oneness.

When and as i see that i blame someone/something for apparently doing something unto me, unless they are in fact physically doing something unto me – i stop and breathe – i realize that i am participating in the victim-character and that i am victimizing myself which will lead me to feel pittyful and depressed and unable to do something about it as i projected to origin/source of my experience outside of myself, which is not in fact so – i take responsibility for the experiance of myself within myself and decide who i am and what i will accept and allow within me.

I see, realize and understand that i do not need to be rescued or saved.

I see, realize and understand that i do not deserve to be abused, diminished, punished or put down, thus when and as i face such points being directed at me by others – i realize that i do not have to accept and allow that to change or influence who i am and how i stand/live/express within myself and my world/reality, thus i don`t.

I commit myself as the victim-character to see, realize and understand that i have a responsiblity towards others as well, to no longer confirm them in their characters and believes of perpetrator an/or rescuer

When and as i see that i have to rescue/save people from others, their lives, circumstance and that i should be always there for others first and protect/save them from whatever negative/bad they might face – i stop and breathe – i realize that this is actually a character-trait i have adopted from my parents which wanted to protect/save me from any trouble and bad experiances i would encounter – i realize that this is not truly who i am, nor what is best for all – thus i stop particpateing in the Character of rescuing/saving people as i also see that as a character this behaviour is based on self-interest and quite nasty and spiteful shit can hide behind the apparent „saving/rescuing“ - i see, realize and understand now that those people i play this savior/rescuer-role towards actually represent parts and aspects of myself that i am not jet standing in equality and oneness within myself, where i am split/in separation and so the real point of support here is to support myself, to „save myself“ and establish a equal and one relationship with those points/parts of myself, so that i integrate myself as a whole being here.

So when and as i see that i go into the rescuing/saving towards another – i take breath and ask myself – what is it that i am trying to save them from? What do i fear might/is happen to them? Why do i think they cant help themselves? And i invert those questions and bring them back to myself – asking myself where and how those points are existent within me? I forgive myself and take responibility for those points/parts of myself, to find an equal and one solution for the point/part within myself.

I see, realize and understand that walking through and transcending the „Savior/Rescuer-Character“ is a process of self-integration and self-equality and oneness.

When and as i see myself participating in and as the perpetrator – i stop and breathe – i realize that just because i feel more or stronger towards a certain person in a certain moment and right in that – i am not justified in lashing out on them or dimishing or abusing them – i see, realize and understand that others are me as well and what i am doing unto another is what i am in fact doing unto myself within myself – the relationship i have to a victim(-Character) is in fact the projected relationship i have with and towards myself within myself – thus i commit myself to rather learn what it means to to express assertiveness, power and direction in way that supports all equally.

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