Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2012

Tag 69: Korrektur/Correction 2


I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself connect the word Failure with the word Correction

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to define the word Correction within the word Failure

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the word Correction and the word Failure through defining the word Correction within the word Failure in Separation of myself

I forgive myself that i have not allowed myself to realize that i fear admitting failure and thus i fear the word correction as i see/percieve Failure as something personal, showing the extent to which i identify myself with the


I forgive myself taht i have accepted and allowed myself to take things personally and see it as a personal failure – a failure as a human that i have things/behaviours/manifestations to correct within and as myslef – instead of realizing that failure does really only exist in and as the mind, it is not who i am as live

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to feel/think that i am the worst person ever because of how i exist within and as the mind

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see, realize and understand that this Process of Selfforgiveness and Selfcorrection is definatly not personal, it is existential but has to be walked individually for Self as life as all as one as equal

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to think and belive that my  person-ality as a lie is more then Life as Equality and thus i forgive myslef that i have attempted and tryed to resist Self-Correction as what is best for all life instead of embracing it as myself as myself changing/aligning self to and as life and to allways remind/remember/See when i take things/correction personaly that “I am a Lie – Life is real” so move/push trough the pain/hurt/resistance and do it

I realize that failure is separation of what is real/phyiscal/life

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear failure and in this fear separation and in this MISS and FAIL to see, realize and life Life/phyiscal/Reality

I realize that selfcorrection is the equalisation of Failure as Separation from life

I embrace Selfcorrection in the realisation that at the moment i defiantly have/make failures and exist in separation

I commit myslef to be and become a human that stands up for live equal and one in correcting the failures of living in/as separation of Life as Breath that i have accepted and allowed within myself individually and that i have thus manifested and allowed to manifest in this world/Reality as a whole

I assist and support myself in allowing myslef to see failures in myself, patterns, behaviours, thoughts that are not aligned with life as oneness and equality so to support myself to equalize those points/parts/manifestations in a way that supports myself as life  - I commit myself to lern from failures and correct them where i allow myself to be patient with myslef, yet directive


I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to connect the word Bad to the word Correction

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to define the word Bad within the word Correction

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowd myself to separate myself from teh word Bad and the word correction throught defining the word Bad within the word Bad in separation of myslef

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to feel bad when i “have to correct myself”, there is something to correct within and as myself because i have defined correction to be bad and thus charged with a negative value, not considering that Bad is not Negativ – it is the nature of “who i am as “the mind”

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to have the word correction existent as a trigger into negative energy-experiance in my mind and in this i embrace “the negative” as what i might experiance when and as i delete, forgive all the fake positive and light

I release and let go of any judgement and emotional charge against the word Bad

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe taht only “the bad boys” have to correct themselves/will be corrected and thus tryed to hide/supresss/deny my badness in/as the mind and pretended to be a good boy so that i will not face Correction waht i have defined as a punishment as a negative energetic experiance – instead of realizing that in fact the “good boys” are equally es a bad as “the bad boys” but more deceptive in pretenting to be something that does not really exist, decieving self equally as others

I commit myself to show that good/bad is not real in fact, but definitions of the mind to hide and limit life and make itself acceptable

I commit myslef to show that MIND and existing in/as mind is “bad” – as it is consuming and degrading life – regardless of the specific name/definiton we give to the Energy


Ich vergebe mir selbst zugelassen und akzeptiert zu haben das Wort Korrektur mit dem Wort Rotstift zu verbinden

Ich vergebe mir selbst zugelassen und akzeptiert zu haben das Wort Korrektur in dem Wort Rotstift zu definieren

Ich vergebe mir selbst zugelassen und akzeptiert zu haben mich von dem Wort Korrektur und dem Wort Rotstift zu trennen indem ich das Wort Korrektur in dem Wort Rotstift definiere, in Trennung von mir selbst

Ich vergebe mir selbst zugelassen und akzeptiert zu haben von “dem Rotstift” Angst zu haben – Ich vergebe mir selbst mir nicht erlaubt zu haben zu sehen das es kein Zufall ist das Rot als Farbe für Korrekturen in zum Beispiel der Schule verwendet wird. Rot wie Blut , Rot wie die Liebe, Rot wie Hass

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